The research works competition “Crossroads of cultures” is held in the context of the International Internet-project “Friendship Bridges”

The main regulations of the competition

Research work – is the most complicated, but the most interesting form of participation in the Project doubtlessly. This time we are going to deepen into the history of our motherlands and learn some new facts about the other countries' culture.

All the countries, peoples and cultures are interconnected tightly, and we often pass by these "crossroads of cultures" not paying any attention to the thing.

We suggest you writing a short research work about the interconnection and mutual influence of different cultures in the form of essay. Those who wish may apply some video and photo materials to their essays.

The participants of the competition

  • The schoolchildren aged 12 – 14;
  • The schoolchildren aged 15 – 18.

The participation in the competition


Deadlines of the competition

Till the 22d of November 2013 year inclusive – online registration and the registered participants’ works submission.
Till the 4th of December 2013 year inclusive – open Internet-voting.
5 – 11 of December 2013 year inclusive – the work of the Educators Committee.